It's MAOLO Photography in South Korea! Paolo accepted a teaching job in Paju City, South Korea for 12 months seeking adventure, new culture, learning a new language, and delicious Korean food! Can you say Kimchi! MAOLO Photography is Paolo and Mariemil Zamoranos. Check out our other blog

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About Us

Paju City, Gyeonggi do Province, South Korea
Paolo is teaching elementary school in Paju City in the Gyeonggi do Province, South Korea on a one year contract. During Paolo's stay in Korea, Mariemil will be with him months at a time to relax and travel. She will return to the states March to June 2009 to continue with their photography business. Please view our availability on information:,,

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Seoul Land Amusement Park 10.16.08

I went to Seoul Land with the whole Samsung Elementary School kids and staff. Seoul Land is similar to Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm in California, but at a smaller scale. I treated myself out with some churros!


Anonymous said...

nice blog. ROAD TO RICHIES.

Femin Susan said...

Your blog breathe taking with the photos. I wish I had a blog like yours, so wonderful........
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