It's MAOLO Photography in South Korea! Paolo accepted a teaching job in Paju City, South Korea for 12 months seeking adventure, new culture, learning a new language, and delicious Korean food! Can you say Kimchi! MAOLO Photography is Paolo and Mariemil Zamoranos. Check out our other blog

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Paju City, Gyeonggi do Province, South Korea
Paolo is teaching elementary school in Paju City in the Gyeonggi do Province, South Korea on a one year contract. During Paolo's stay in Korea, Mariemil will be with him months at a time to relax and travel. She will return to the states March to June 2009 to continue with their photography business. Please view our availability on information:,,

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tokyo, Japan 1.19-1.25.09

Our trip to Tokyo, Japan has been the best so far. It only took 1 hour and 45 minutes flight time from Seoul to Tokyo (Narita Airport).

Paolo preparing his camera and shooting outside the Imperial Palace in central Tokyo.

Our first night we ate steak! It was so delicious! Steak was served on a sizzling plate. This hole-in-the-wall restaurant had the best miso soup!

One of the many local artist, most were senior citizens, painting the Nijubashi Gate Bridge.

The Nijubashi Gate Bridge of the Imperial Palace. This picture will definitely go in our living room.

Bic Camera is one of the largest electronics stores in Tokyo. Mariemil was more excited than I was because they carried Nikon products. At the same time, I met Iron Man.

Hello Kitty flowers. How cute!

The Sony Building. This is the number 2 on the list of places to visit in Tokyo. They carry the latest tech toys and gadgets Sony has.

These hand held VAIOs are really cool. They don't sell these in USA.

The Sony "Rolly" (top picture) retails for about $325. It's a dancing and singing Ipod. It's a cute little gadget.

The ancient Buddhist temple of Senso-ji is the spiritual center of the old quarter and was once a great pilgramage site. Also pictured, the Gojuno-to (Five Storied Pagoda).

Good thing they came with instructions in how to wash your hands before praying in the temple.

Look mom, Paolo found a giant slipper. Mariemil is having too much incense. A giant lantern at one of the gates of Senso-ji.

This the main road leading to the Senso-ji temple. It is filled with souvenir shops and snack bars.

One of the many interesting ads in the subway.

The shrine of Meiji-jingu.

The shrine of Meiji-jingu (Main gate).

The shrine of Meiji-jingu resembles an enchanted forest. It was built to deify the memory of Emperor Meiji. The grounds are divided into the Outer Garden and the more interesting Inner Garden, which contains the main shrine.

Locals offering their prayers. One must bow two times, clap two times, and bow one time.

One of the many cute buses in the streets of Tokyo.

"Yes we can!" Obama is also big in Japan.

The famous Shibuya Crossing. This is the busiest crossing in Tokyo. It's been featured in several movies including "The Fast and Furious 3, Tokyo Drift."

People watching at the Shibuya Crossing.

Tokyo is filled with vending machines. You'll never go thirsty because there's a vending machine in every corner.

The Tsukiji Fish Market is a must see. This is where they have the famous "Tuna Bidding" in the early morning.

These two chefs made only one type of ramen noodle and let me tell you it was so delicious! People would wait in line to taste their mouth watering ramen noodles.

Paolo thought he was in Costco, getting some food samples. He didn't even know what he was eating.

Pleanty of seafood to choose from in the Tsukiji Fish Market. If you're the sushi type, this place would be "sushi heaven." Small restaurants are everywhere, serving fresh sushi and other seafood.

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